Profile: Vladimír Baláž, doc. Ing., PhD. DrSc., leading research worker

Research Field

  • international mobility of persons
  • national research and innovation system
  • behavioral economics

Forecasts, Prospects, Analyzes, Strategies:

  • Pilot testing of expert decision-making methods (Delphi and Analytical Hierarchical Process) at the highest political level in the Slovak Republic.
    Involvement of key stakeholders and use of participatory multi-criteria decision-making methods in the preparation of long-term development strategies in the Slovak Republic.

Concise Profile:

  • Vladimír Baláž was a researcher (1989), senior researcher (1996) and research professor (2007) with the Institute for Forecasting of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Since 2012 Vladimír has been a member of the Learned Society of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Vladimír‘sresearch interests focus on following topics:
    Innovation and R&D policies. Major topics include: national systems of innovation, smart specialisation, financial support tools, policy design, programme evaluation, and knowledge transfer.
  • Migration and Regional Development. Major topics include: brain drain and brain gain, tacit knowledge transfers, impact of labour migration on regional development, regional disparities and cohesion policies.
  • Behavioural Economics and Finance. Major topics include: risk tolerance, complex decision making in migration and finance.

Scientific Projects:

Selected Publishing Activity:

BALÁŽ, Vladimír - DOKUPILOVÁ, Dušana - FILČÁK, Richard. Participatory multi-criteria methods for adaptation to climate change. In Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change : an international journal devoted to scientific, engineering, socio-economic and policy responses to environmental change, 2021, vol. 26, no. 4, art. no. 15. (2020: 3.583 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 0.994 - SJR, Q1 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2021 - Current Contents). ISSN 1381-2386. Dostupné na: (VEGA č. 2/0002/18 : Inštitucionálne rámce ekonomického rozvoja SR v novej etape globalizácie)

BALÁŽ, Vladimír - WILLIAMS, Allan M. - MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Katarína - CHRANČOKOVÁ, Martina. What competences, which migrants? Tacit and explicit knowledge acquired via migration. In Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2021, vol. 47 no. 8, pp. 1758-1774. (2020: 5.340 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 1.505 - SJR, Q1 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2021 - Current Contents). ISSN 1369-183X. Dostupné na: (Grant No. 649491 : YMOBILITY - Mobilita mladých: maximalizácia príležitostí pre jednotlivcov, trhy práce a regióny v Európe (Horizont 2020). VEGA č. 2/0002/18 : Inštitucionálne rámce ekonomického rozvoja SR v novej etape globalizácie. APVV-14-0324 : Riešenie spoločenských výziev v oblasti tvorby politiky trhu práce založenej na vedeckých informáciách)

WILLIAMS, Allan M. - CHEN, Jason Li - LI, Gang - BALÁŽ, Vladimír. Risk, uncertainty and ambiguity amid Covid-19: A multinational analysis of international travel intentions national analysis of international travel intentions. In Annals of Tourism Research, 2022, vol. 92, article number 103346. ISSN 0160-7383. Dostupné na: Typ: ADCA