Profile: Martina Chrančoková, Ing., PhD., Researcher

Research Field

  • Slovak migration
  • Tacit knowledge
  • Mobility of students

Concise Profile

Martina Chrančková is researcher with the Institute for Forecasting of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. She studied Statistical Methods in Economics at the University of Economics in Bratislava in 2010-12 and later she studied her Ph.D in 20013 - 16 in Spatial Planning at Institute of Management of the Slovak University of Technology. After completing her doctoral thesis, she is working as a Researcher at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Forecasting – Centre of Social and Psychological. She had been a member of International Project Ymobility (part of the Horizont 2020 Project) and two national VEGA projects: VEGA No.2/0117/15 and VEGA No. 2/0010/14. She is working at three national projects. First is national project VEGA No. 2/0151/19 with name „The Benefits of Slovak Migration” where she is leader of this project. Second is VEGA No. 2/0002/18 titled „Institutional framework of Slovakia’s economic development in the new phase of Globalization and at one project APVV- 17-0141 Margiwork with name „Analysis of Barriers in Access to Employment for Marginalized Groups of Population: Selected regions of Slovakia in socio-economic, geographic and socio-anthropological perspective.“ Her topic for science research is migration of Slovaks and collecting and analyse of their experience and tacit knowledge abroad by qualitative methods. She is working at international project COST Action CA20115 ENIS – European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice.

Scientific Projects:

Selected Publishing Activity

BALÁŽ, Vladimír - WILLIAMS, Allan M. - MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Katarína - CHRANČOKOVÁ, Martina. What competences, which migrants? Tacit and explicit knowledge acquired via migration. In Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2021, vol. 47 no. 8, pp. 1758-1774. (2020: 5.340 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 1.505 - SJR, Q1 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2021 - Current Contents). ISSN 1369-183X. Dostupné na: (Grant No. 649491 : YMOBILITY - Mobilita mladých: maximalizácia príležitostí pre jednotlivcov, trhy práce a regióny v Európe (Horizont 2020). VEGA č. 2/0002/18 : Inštitucionálne rámce ekonomického rozvoja SR v novej etape globalizácie. APVV-14-0324 : Riešenie spoločenských výziev v oblasti tvorby politiky trhu práce založenej na vedeckých informáciách)

CHRANČOKOVÁ, Martina. The Present Value of Education. In Economic and Social Policy : Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, September 7-9, 2021, Čeladná, Czech Republic. Editors: Veronika Nálepková, Martina Pavlorková. - Ostrava : Vysoká škola PRIGO, 2021, s. 151-160. ISBN 978-80-87291-29-0. ISSN 2571-1776. Dostupné na internete: (VEGA č. 2/0002/18 : Inštitucionálne rámce ekonomického rozvoja SR v novej etape globalizácie. VEGA č. 2/0151/19 : Prínosy slovenskej migrácie. Economic and Social Policy : International Scientific Conference)

CHRANČOKOVÁ, Martina. The Road to Future Free from Discrimination and Racism for the Roma Population in Slovakia. In Economic and Social Policy : Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, September 7-9, 2021, Čeladná, Czech Republic. Editors: Veronika Nálepková, Martina Pavlorková. - Ostrava : Vysoká škola PRIGO, 2021, s. 161-170. ISBN 978-80-87291-29-0. ISSN 2571-1776. Dostupné na internete: (APVV-17-0141 : Analýza bariér prístupu k pracovným príležitostiam pre marginalizované skupiny obyvateľstva: Vybrané regióny Slovenska v sociálno-ekonomickej, geografickej a sociálno-antropologickej perspektíve. VEGA č. 2/0002/18 : Inštitucionálne rámce ekonomického rozvoja SR v novej etape globalizácie. VEGA č. 2/0151/19 : Prínosy slovenskej migrácie. Economic and Social Policy : International Scientific Conference)