- Institute for Forecasting, CSPS SAS, v. v. i.
- ECF III 40858 2401-67700
- RNDr. Dušana Dokupilová, PhD.
- Ing. Martina Repíková
- 1.2.2024 - 31.1.2025
- Belgicko: CLIMACT (consulting company)
The project provides an opportunity to find out how to achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in the Slovak economy. This effort is inevitably linked to changes in the behaviour of the population, but above all to the setting of appropriate supporting policies. The project aims to identify suitable possible pathways to ensure that both the EU and Slovakia meet their targets and commit to becoming carbon neutral by 2050.
To enhance the quality of the public debate on decarbonisation and carbon neutrality in Slovakia by improving data availability, and identification of possible pathways.
Quantitative determination of possible pathways to achieve carbon neutrality in the Slovak economy using the energy and emissions model "2050 Pathways Explorer". The "2050 Pathways Explorer" is a comprehensive model of the energy flow system in different sectors of the national economy (buildings, industry, transport, energy sector, agriculture and forestry). It covers not only energy conversion and consumption and associated GHG emissions, but also sinks/sequestration of GHG.
- Belgium: CLIMACT (consulting company)
- Report/monograph: Decarbonising Slovakia, Pathways to carbon neutrality in 2050
- workshops with stakeholders
- Uhlíkovo neutrálne Slovensko do roku 2050/Aktualizácia analýzy scenárov vývoja emisií skleníkových plynov v Slovenskej republike (ECF 2023-2024/Report 1)
- Uhlíkovo neutrálne Slovensko do roku 2050/Preskúmanie ciest k uhlíkovej neutralite/Scenáre ilustrujúce vplyv zmeny správania a vládnych politík (ECF 2023-2024/Report 2)