Network for Evidence Synthesis in The Agri-Food Sector

  • Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • COST Action23107
  • Ing. Vanda Rogovská, PhD.
  • COST
  • 10/2024 – 09/2028
  • Harper Adams University Edgmond, Great Britain
  • ALB; BiH; BG; HR, CY, EE, FR, DE, GR,HU,IE, IL, LV, IT, PL, PT. MK, RS, SK, ES, SE, UK

This COST Action aims to address the need for increased productivity, efficiency, and environmental sustainability in agri-food systems, driven by global population growth. To achieve this, agri-food decision-making has to be informed by the best available evidence. The proposed action seeks to establish an international, European-based hub and network dedicated to supporting and promoting the use of evidence syntheses (ES) in agri-food systems. By embracing the ES approach, stakeholders can enhance the quality of decision-making processes - underpinned by robust and unbiased evidence – while saving valuable time in achieving sustainability.