Latest news

April 3, 2024

Congratulations to Nikoleta Slavíková on receiving her PhD degree!

Nikoleta Slavíková, PhD candidate of the joint programme of the Institute for Forecasting of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Public Policy of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of Comenius University, has successfully defended her dissertation on "Labour migration of Roma people: how it is influenced by the family".
March 19, 2024

Research for practice: transfer of research outputs on the posting of workers to the sphere of entrepreneurship and its regulation 

On Friday 15 March, Lucia Mýtna Kureková contributed to the Annual Conference of the Slovak Craft Industry Federation titled Would we miss trade workers? The importance of trade business for the economy and society.
March 4, 2024

New Book: Access to Information on the Posting of Workers. Construction Companies’ Practices and Challenges

This book presents the issue of access to information in the posting of workers. The authors identify and assess the practices and challenges of construction companies involved in the posting of workers, either as posting companies sending their workers to provide a service from one European Union (EU) country to another or as a user company that receives the services provided by posting companies and their posted workers.
December 20, 2023

New publication by Nikoleta Slavíková and Branislav Šprocha

Our colleagues from the Institute for Forecasting, Nikoleta Slavíková and Branislav Šprocha, have recently published a paper titled “Internal migration from and to municipalities in Slovakia with the highest proportion of people living in Roma settlements” in Demografie, Review for Population Research.

Books and publications


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