On Thursday, January 19th 2023, the team of the Institute for Forecasting lead by Lucia Mýtna Kureková organised the Online Stakeholder Consultation Workshop of the project INFO-POW: Assessment of the channel of information and their use in the posting of workers. The workshop gathered about 50 participants from the partner countries involved in the project, who represented various public institutions on the European, national, and regional levels. The project is implemented in partnership with researchers from 5 countries – Slovakia, Austria, Belgium, Italy, and Slovenia. Representatives of EU level authorities and experts in the field of data collection also attended the workshop.
The aim of the event was to present research activities of the project, including preliminary results of the mapping of information channels related to the posting of workers in the partner countries, and the draft pilot web survey targeted at posting undertakings. Workshop participants were encouraged to provide feedback, discuss, and network.
We thank the participants for their time and valid contributions.