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Drahokoupil, J. and Fabo, B. (2022): The limits of foreign-led growth: Demand for skills by foreign and domestic firms. Review of International Political Economy, 29(1):152-174
Fabo, B., Kempf, E., Jancokova, M., Pastor, L. (2021) Fifty Shades of QE: Comparing Findings of Central Bankers and Academics, Journal of Monetary Economics Vol. 120:1-20.
Fabo, B. and Kahanec, M. (2018): Can a voluntary web survey be useful beyond explorative research? International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(5), 591-601.
Fabo, B., Beblavy, M., and Lenaerts, K. (2017): The importance of foreign language skills in the labour markets of Central and Eastern Europe: assessment based on data from online job portals. Empirica, 44(3), 487-508.
Fabo, B., Karanovic, J and Dukova, K. (2017): In search of an adequate European policy response to the platform economy. Transfer: European Review of Labor and Research, 23(2) 163-175.