Profile: Richard Heriban, Ing., PhD., Researcher

Research Field

  • Labor market
  • Regions of the SR
  • Migration flows

Forecasts, Prospects, Analyzes, Strategies

  • As part of the analysis of migration flows and migration dynamics in the EU and OECD, we plan a forecast of migration development in the period 2020-2025 on a regional scale (states or macro-regions) with an impact on labor migration in the Slovak Republic, demographic characteristics and selected economic sectors. The analysis will use classical forecasting methods based on empirical data from the past, modeling and forecasting in several scenarios (taking into account the normative scenario of limiting migration flows due to the pandemic).

Concise Profile

Richard Heriban is a researcher at the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. His research work focuses at multidisciplinary approach in analysing the labour markets, regional disparities and aspects of migration. He studied at the University of Economics in Bratislava and the University of Canterbury in Christchurch. He did his PhD. at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. As an external lector he’s cooperated with the Leuphana Universität in Lüneburg.

Scientific Projects

Selected Publishing Activity

GAJDOŠOVÁ, Ľubica - HERIBAN, Richard - LUBYOVÁ, Martina. Recent Developments of Migration and Migration Policies in Slovakia : OECD SOPEMI REPORT 2021 Slovak Republic. 2021. 95 p. Dostupné na internete: (VEGA č. 2/0163/20 : Migrácia na území SR od vzniku SR – dynamika migračných tokov s krajinami EÚ a OECD)

HERIBAN, Richard. The relation between COVID incidence and internal mobility in districts in Slovakia. In Prognostické práce : PP (FORESIGHT, ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - FAR) [serial], 2021, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 68-85. ISSN 1338-3590. Dostupné na: (VEGA č. 2/0163/20 : Migrácia na území SR od vzniku SR – dynamika migračných tokov s krajinami EÚ a OECD)