Profile: Anna Hlaváčová, PhDr., CSc., Researcher

Research Field

  • History
  • History of culture

Forecasts, Prospects, Analyzes, Strategies

  • Among other factors, historical and cultural awareness are applied in decision-making. Therefore, knowledge of history and culture can be useful in forecasting and in the study of decision-making psychology. Conceptually stimulating may be from my projects long-term cycle Historical Narratives, in which I deal with how individual communities tell their history. Countries determined by the Central European geographical context differ in relation to history - and these often prove to be a decisive factor in their policies in areas such as migration, borders, ethnic minorities.

Concise Profile

Anna Hlaváčová is independent researcher of the Center of Social and Psychological Sciences. After her graduation in Arts, she focused on cultural anthropology (PhD). She studied in Paris, Bruxelles and Moscow. Invited to join the research project of Bayreuth University, she realised long field research in the Niger Delta. Later she got the Japan Foundation Fellowship to study the Japanese traditional culture. After her return to Slovakia, she worked at Art academies in Bratislava, National Memory Institute and Slovak Academy of Sciences. Her research itinerary is closely linked with the multi-disciplinary approach to the studied problems.
In her current research, she studies the history of communication between East and West and the construction of historical narratives.

Scientific Projects

Selected Publishing Activity

HLAVÁČOVÁ, Anna. The snows in the one-way itineraries of "A journey to Florence". In Slovak Studies : Rivista dell´Istituto storico Slovacco di Roma, 2018, no. 1-2, s. 143-157. (VEGA č. 2/0168/16 : Dialóg Východu a Západu v 15. storočí z pohľadu performatívnych štúdií. Rekonštrukcia divadelných predstavení na základe dochovaných textových a obrazových prameňov)

HLAVÁČOVÁ, Anna. The Return of the Russian Delegation from the Council of Florence : Through the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary. In Slovak Studies : Rivista dell´Istituto storico Slovacco di Roma, 2019, no. 1-2, s. 79-92. ISSN 2421-6240. (VEGA 2/0047/19 : Cyrilický cestopis z cesty na florentský koncil. Pokus o naratív)

HLAVÁČOVÁ, Anna. Traja mudrci v troch scénach akatistu (Dionisij vo Ferapontove) = The Magi in Three Akathist Scenes by Dionisy in Ferapontov. In Ostium : internetový časopis pre humanitné vedy [seriál], 2020, roč. 16, č. 2. ISSN 1339-942X. Názov z obrazovky. Dostupné na internete: (APVV-15-0526 : Téma Troch kráľov v umení Slovenska - interdisciplinárne štúdie kultúrnej tradície a komunikácie)

HLAVÁČOVÁ, Anna. Formovanie florentských obrazových vetiev klaňania mudrcov. In Téma Troch kráľov v umení a v kultúre. - Bratislava : VEDA, 2021, s. 251-305. ISBN 978-80-224-1936-9. (APVV-15-0526 : Téma Troch kráľov v umení Slovenska – interdisciplinárne štúdie kultúrnej tradície a komunikácie)

HLAVÁČOVÁ, Anna. Dve teatralizované formy slávenia Troch kráľov: trojkráľový sprievod a koledovanie. In Téma Troch kráľov v umení a v kultúre. - Bratislava : VEDA, 2021, s. 427-469. ISBN 978-80-224-1936-9. (APVV-15-0526 : Téma Troch kráľov v umení Slovenska – interdisciplinárne štúdie kultúrnej tradície a komunikácie)